Randy Dettmer Bio Page

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Randy Dettmer


I move things and manage expectations. My specialty is logistics in the supply chain. I enjoy collaborating with suppliers, customers, and carriers in the supply chain to improve forecasts, reduce inventory variability and reduce freight costs because engaged partners in the supply chain, are happy partners and that makes everyone's day better.

Currently, I am a Data Analytics Boot Camp Candidate at Case Western Reserve University. I am intellectually curious, collaborative and analytical. I have had classes in Python | Pandas | Matplotlib | VBA | Excel | SQL | HTML.

Social Media/Contact

LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/randydettmercscpmba

Email - randy.dettmer@gmail.com

Favorite Movies

Title Released Rating
Back to the Future 1987 PG
Major League 1989 R
The Dark Knight 2008 PG-13

Favorite Music Albums

Title Artist Released
Immortalized Disturbed 2005
Sehnsucht Rammstein 1997
Rammstein Rammstein 2019
Attention Attention Shinedown 2018
Puppenspiel Unheilig 2008